Get The Athletic Trainer Certification and Step Up Your Career

07/24, 2023 Sohini

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Athletic trainers are healthcare professionals. They work with athletes and physically active people. They prevent, diagnose, and treat injuries. They also provide education and guidance on how to improve performance and avoid injuries.

For this reason, you should take athletic trainer certification in physical therapy. This will help you to become a successful athletic trainer. However, you may want to know the benefits of getting certified in this field. In this blog post, we will show you how you can step up your career with Learntastic's online certifications for athletic trainers.

Learntastic is a leading online platform. We offer high-quality and affordable courses in various fields of physical therapy. Our physical therapy program for athletic trainers is designed by experts. It is accredited by Continuing Education, Inc. By enrolling in our online certifications, you will gain the knowledge to pass the board exam and become a certified athletic trainer.

Which certification for athletic trainers is offered by Learntastic?

We offer online physical therapy certifications for athletic trainers. Learntastic's Physical Therapy Program for athletic trainers is super helpful. It's easy to understand. This program teaches trainers about the best ways to help athletes recover from injuries. Also, improve their performance. You'll learn all sorts of exercises and techniques and give the right treatment. It's like a special toolbox full of tricks to make them feel better and get back in the game faster. So if you're an athletic trainer, this program is a fantastic way to level up your skills. You will help your athletes reach their full potential.

Why should athletic trainers get certified in physical therapy? 

Here are 10 benefits of athletic trainer certification in physical therapy:

1. Improved Knowledge

It allows athletic trainers to gain a deeper understanding of:

  • human anatomy

  • injury prevention

  • rehabilitation techniques

2. Enhanced Skills

Athletes commonly experience injuries on the field. It teaches athletic trainers to assess, diagnose, and treat various musculoskeletal injuries. 

3. Expanded Scope of Practice

With a physical therapy certification, athletic trainers can expand their scope of practice. They can offer a wider range of services to athletes. For example, therapeutic exercises and manual therapy.

4. Better Patient Care

By obtaining this certification, athletic trainers can deliver highly effective and all-encompassing care. This enables them to provide athletes with personalized treatment. Especially that addresses their individual needs, guaranteeing optimal care for every athlete.

5. Injury Prevention

Certified athletic trainers can effectively identify risk factors. They can implement preventive measures to reduce the occurrence and severity of injuries among athletes.

6. Faster Recovery

Certified athletic trainers can design and implement targeted rehabilitation programs. This program can expedite athletes' recovery and help them return to play sooner.

7. Collaboration with Healthcare Professionals

Certification in physical therapy allows athletic trainers to work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals. It enables them to provide integrated care for athletes. For example, physical therapists and orthopedic specialists.

8. Enhanced Career Opportunities

Having a physical therapy certification opens doors to a wider range of career opportunities. For example:

  • sports medicine clinics

  • rehabilitation centers

  • colleges

  • professional sports teams, etc.

9. Professional Credibility

Securing this certification showcases a dedicated pursuit of professional growth. It also validates an athletic trainer's expertise in the field of physical therapy. This enhances their professional credibility.

10. Continued Learning

Maintaining this certification requires ongoing continuing education. Athletic trainers must keep themselves up-to-date with the latest advancements in physical therapy techniques. They must ensure that they provide the highest quality of care to athletes.

How can you achieve your career goals with Learntastic's athletic trainer certification?

Here are some of the features that make our courses unique and effective:

  • You have the freedom to learn at your own pace and convenience. Our courses are fully online and self-paced, meaning you can access them anytime and anywhere. You can also review the materials as many times as you need and take quizzes and exams on your own time.

  • You can get personalized feedback and support. Our courses are interactive and engaging. We teach the modules through videos, animations, simulations, case studies, and discussions. You can also communicate with your instructors and classmates through our online platform. You can also get feedback on your progress and performance.

  • You get access to our state-of-the-art virtual simulations that mimic real-life scenarios and challenges.


Becoming an athletic trainer is a rewarding career choice for anyone who loves sports and fitness. By getting certified with Learntastic's online certifications, you will be able to enhance your knowledge and skills. You will boost your employability and income, and achieve your career goals. Don't wait any longer - enroll today and start your journey to becoming a certified athletic trainer!