COVID-19: The Impact of a Pandemic on Mental Health: Providing Mental Health Interventions for Patients and Healthcare Workers
- Continuing education credit hours 1.00
- Mobile-Friendly, Self-Paced Format
- Nationally-Accredited, Regulatory-Approved
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, you will have gained an understanding of ways to mitigate the mental health impacts of a pandemic. Specific learning objectives to address potential learning gaps include:
Define the term “pandemic.”
Describe the psychological effects of a widespread infectious illness and effects unique to healthcare workers.
Summarize strategies to reduce mental health impacts among healthcare workers.
Discuss the “duty of care” concept.
Course Description
Understand and learn ways to mitigate the mental health impacts of a pandemic. Review recent pandemics, including coronavirus (COVID-19) issues. This course focuses on preventing and addressing stress and anxiety during this unprecedented crisis and focuses on strategies for mental well-being.
Regulations/Board Approvals
Wild Iris Medical Education, Inc., is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #12300.
Accredited and Approved Nationwide High-Quality CEU Courses since 1998.