Incontinence: In patient care treatment
- Continuing education credit hours 3.00
- Mobile-Friendly, Self-Paced Format
- Nationally-Accredited, Regulatory-Approved
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this continuing education course, you will have increased your understanding of incontinence assessment and treatment. Specific learning objectives to address potential knowledge gaps include:
Discuss the impact of incontinence on individuals.
Identify the different types of incontinence.
Describe the process of conducting a urinary incontinence assessment.
Summarize treatment options for urinary incontinence.
Discuss assessment, diagnosis, and interventions for bowel incontinence.
Course Description
Discuss different types of urinary and bowel incontinence in male and female patients. Learn about symptoms, causes, patient assessment, care, and treatment. This CEU course is applicable to nursing, OT, and PT.
Regulations/Board Approvals
- Wild Iris Medical Education, Inc., is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
- Wild Iris Medical Education, Inc., is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development and is a Continuing Competency Approval Agency recognized by the Physical Therapy Board of California.
Accredited and Approved Nationwide High-Quality CEU Courses since 1998.