Technology in the Classroom
- Continuing education credit hours 0.30
- Mobile-Friendly, Self-Paced Format
- Nationally-Accredited, Regulatory-Approved
Course Objectives
- List guidelines for using technology in early childhood classrooms
- Identify challenges to incorporating technology into your classroom/school
- List benefits of incorporating technology in the early childhood classroom
- Identify how to evaluate appropriate apps and software
- List ways technology can enhance your curriculum
- Give examples of assistive technology
Course Description
This class will discuss and demonstrate ways early educators can use technology to enhance curriculum, communicate with families, support students with disabilities, and more. Participants will be given a tour of a variety of tools and websites they can use in their teaching, and to streamline some of the other necessary tasks involved in their jobs.
Regulations/Board Approvals
Approved by IACET
Child Care Lounge online classes have been accredited and approved to show that they are of the highest quality.