Breaking Down the Cost of OSHA 10 Certification: What to Expect

09/11, 2024 vishal

Osha 10 Certification Cost

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Are you thinking about getting an OSHA 10 certification? It's a great idea! This certification can help keep you safe at work and open up new job opportunities. But before you jump in, you might be wondering about the cost. In this blog, we'll break down everything you need to know about OSHA 10 certification cost.

What is OSHA 10 Certification?

OSHA or Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It is a 10-day training, therefore it is called OSHA 10 Certification. This course teaches workers about safety on the job.

Why Get OSHA 10 Certified?

Did you know that OSHA training has helped reduce workplace deaths by 65% since 1970?  If that does not convince you, there are many more good reasons to get OSHA 10 certified:

  • It helps you stay safe at work

  • Many employers want workers with this certification

  • It can help you get better jobs

  • You'll learn important safety skills

  • Some states require it for certain jobs

What Is The Basic Cost of OSHA 10 Certification?

The price of OSHA 10 certification can vary. But here's a general idea of what you might pay:

  • Online courses: $25 to $80

  • In-person classes: $150 to $300

Why the big difference? Online OSHA 10 pricing is often cheaper because you can do them at home. In-person classes cost more because you're in a classroom with a teacher.

What is Included in the Cost?

Depending on where you get your certification, things you get might differ. It's a good idea to ask what's included before you sign up. When you pay for OSHA 10 certification, here's what you usually get:

  • All the training materials

  • The actual course (online or in-person)

  • A test at the end

  • Your OSHA 10 card when you pass

  • Study guides

  • Practice tests

  • Shipping your OSHA card to you

Read more - A Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining Your OSHA 10 Certification

Online vs. In-Person: Which is Better?

Both online and in-person classes have good points. The choice depends on how you like to learn and what fits your schedule and budget.

Online Classes:

  • Usually cheaper

  • You can do them anytime

  • You can work at your own pace

  • No need to travel

In-Person Classes:

  • You can ask questions face-to-face

  • Some people find it easier to focus in person

  • You can meet other workers in your field

What Are Hidden Costs to Watch Out For?

Sometimes there are extra costs you might not think about at first. These costs can add up, so keep them in mind when planning.

  • Time off work: If you need to take time off for training, you might lose some pay

  • Travel: For in-person classes, you might need to pay for gas or bus fare

  • Food: If you're in class all day, you might need to buy lunch

  • Retaking the test: If you don't pass the first time, you might have to pay to try again

What Are Some Ways to Save Money on OSHA 10 Certification?

You can save some cash while getting OSHA certified. Did you know that companies that invest in safety training like OSHA 10 can save $4 to $6 for every $1 spent? Here are some tips to save money in more ways than one on OSHA 10 pricing:

  • Look for sales or discounts on online courses

  • Check if your employer will pay or compensate you for the course.

  • Check if any local unions or trade groups offer free or cheap training

  • Compare prices from different training providers

  • See if you can find a group discount with coworkers

Is OSHA 10 Pricing Worth the Cost?

Most people find that OSHA 10 certification is worth the money. Think of it as an investment in your career and safety. Here's why:

  • It can help you improve your career.

  • You'll be safer at work

  • Some jobs pay more if you have this certification

  • It shows employers you care about safety

  • The skills you learn can be useful in many jobs

How Long Does OSHA 10 Certification Last?

Your OSHA 10 card doesn't expire. However, some employers or states might want you to retake the course every few years. This helps you stay up to date on safety rules.

If you need to retake the course, you'll have to pay again. But remember, staying safe is always worth it!

What if You Can't Afford OSHA 10 Certification?

While OSHA 10 pricing is quite affordable, many may still find it expensive. Are you wondering how to get certified if the cost is too high right now? Don't worry. You have options:

  • Ask your employer if they can help pay for it

  • Look for free safety training in your area (it might not be OSHA 10, but it can still be helpful)

  • Save up a little money each week until you have enough

  • Check if any local charities or job centers offer help with job training costs

OSHA 10 vs. OSHA 30: What's the Difference?

You might have heard about OSHA 30 certification too. OSHA 30 certification is more advanced and takes more time. Most workers start with OSHA 10. If you become a supervisor later or need advanced certification, you may have to take OSHA 30. Here's how they're different:

OSHA 10:

  • 10 hours of training

  • For workers

  • Covers basic safety topics

  • Usually cheaper

OSHA 30:

  • 30 hours of training

  • For supervisors or managers

  • Covers more advanced topics

  • Usually more expensive

Read more- Differences Between OSHA 10 and 30 Course

What Will You Learn in OSHA 10 Training?

OSHA training can give you many important skills and knowledge. This knowledge can keep you and your coworkers safe. Here are some topics covered in OSHA 10:

  • How to spot safety hazards

  • Your rights as a worker

  • How to prevent accidents

  • What to do in an emergency

  • How to use safety equipment

  • Health hazards on the job

How to Choose an OSHA 10 Training Provider?

A good Osha 10 training provider can make your learning easier and more fun. An authoritative and recognized training provider's certification is also more valuable when it comes to career building. Here is how you can get a good OSHA 10 certification.

  • OSHA-approved trainers

  • Good reviews from other students

  • Clear information about costs

  • Training that fits your schedule

  • Help if you have questions

Is OSHA 10 Certification Required?

OSHA 10 certification is a requirement in many employment places. For some jobs like construction and child care, OSHA certification is often compulsory. Some states also have OSHA as a requirement for certain jobs, especially in construction. Even if it's not required, having it can give you an edge when looking for work.

What Are Some Tips for Success in OSHA 10 Training

When going through OSHA 10 training you must strive to get the most out of it. The more you learn, the safer you'll be at work. These tips might prove helpful-

  • Take good notes

  • Ask questions if you don't understand something

  • Practice what you learn at work

  • Talk to coworkers about safety

  • Review your notes before the final test


OSHA 10 certification can be a great choice for many workers. OSHA 10 certification cost can seem expensive, but the benefits often outweigh the price. You'll learn important safety skills, possibly earn more money, and be more valuable to employers. By getting OSHA 10 certified, you're doing your part to make your job safer for yourself and your coworkers.